We are experts in educational consulting

At Oolloo Education we are ready to guide, advise and guide step by step people who wish to study and build their future in Australia.

Discover the cities in Australia where you can study

Discover the cities in Australia where you can study

 The vibrant Australian city that captivates with its cultural diversity and world-class academic opportunities. Realize your dream of studying in Australia with our academic consulting agency!

Shall we begin preparations for your new destination?

Leave us your contact information and one of our educational consultants will contact you to schedule a free consultation appointment.

What makes us different?

Seasonal discounts

Inscríbete ahora en la escuela ILSC y obtén un 30% de descuento en tú matrícula

 It's the perfect time to study English in Australia!
Aprovecha este gran descuento de matrícula en la escuela de ILSC de la ciudad de Sydney y comienza tu viaje soñado. Escríbenos para conocer más de esta y otras promociones activas.

descuento de temporada

Oolloo Student Stories

Discover how Frantz turned his passion for Graphic Design into a unique academic journey.He travelled with Oolloo in 2023 to study a Diploma of Graphic Design at Australian Pacific College and today, he is conquering new horizons with his Master of Architecture at QUT. We accompany young people like Frantz on their exciting journey to academic success in Australia.

What motivated you to study abroad with Oolloo Education?

A friend who traveled with Oolloo recommended them to me.

What gave me a lot of confidence from the beginning was how organized they are. Once I told them about my study options and so on, the document they give me with the options, cities, and prices is clear. That allowed me to get things out of the air and make decisions.

I had experiences elsewhere where they video call you and explain the options, but everything is spoken, so if you don't write it down, things can get blown away. Here with Oolloo, you are left with a report quality document with the link to each course, the price, course details, dates, everything. Excellent there.

El acompañamiento, precisamente. el grupo de Wa, las personas dentro, te toposean si te estas durmiendo en los laureles. 

Lo haria y lo he hecho.

oolloo Education

We are constantly preparing to offer you our services

We know the importance of being prepared, that is why we have the necessary certifications to offer you a legitimate and safe service.

"We are all different, which is
wonderful because it makes us unique.
Without diversity, we would be very boring!"

Catherine Pulsifer

Meet the Oolloo team

Want to know more about Australia?

In our blog you will find interesting information for those who want to know more about international student life in Australia.

Shall we start working on your dreams?

Leave us your contact information and one of our educational consultants will contact you to schedule a free consultation appointment.

QEAC M414 - Qualified Education Agent Counsellor- Certified as an Educational Consultant for Australia, under the registration QEAC M414.

What is PIER? https://www.icef.com/academy/courses/education-agent-training-course-eatc/

How can I verify this information? https://www.icef.com/academy/qualified-education-agent-counsellors-qeacs-list/Search under the name of Oolloo

Certificate of having studied the educational possibilities in the Northern Territory in Australia, with its unique destination, Darwin. 

Company legally incorporated in Australia and active as of November 20, 2020. To verify this information, go to the government website: https://connectonline.asic.gov.au/RegistrySearch/faces/landing/SearchRegisters.jspx?adf.ctrl-state=zvp2dqad21 and type the company name in "Search ASIC Registers". 

ICEF Agency Status (IAS).